
Malteser International (MI)

Address : 73/1 Moo 10, Mae Kong Sub-District, Mae Sariang District,

Mae Hong Son Province 58110

Tel : +66 (0) 53 621 559

Fax : +66 (0) 53 681 575

Email office.msr1@malteser-international.org


Country Director: Mr. Per Vogel

Email: per.vogel@malteser-international.org

Malteser International

Malteser International is the relief agency of the Sovereign Order of Malta for humanitarian aid. With over 100 projects annually in some 25 countries in Africa, Asia and the Americas, we have been standing by those affected by poverty, disease, conflict and disaster, helping them lead a healthy life with dignity – without distinction of religion, race or political persuasion. Christian values and the humanitarian principles are the foundation of our work. The non-governmental organization has its headquarters in Europe (Cologne, Germany) and America (Miami, Florida, USA). Currently, 25 national associations and priories of the Order of Malta are members of Malteser International.

Year started in Thailand: 1979

Current Sectors of Work: Health (incl. HIV/AIDS/TB/Malaria); Water, Sanitation & Hygiene;

Work Locations: Sop Moei District (Mae Hong Son Province)

ECHO/Global Fund/MI/Private: Refugee Health Project

EuropeAid/MIl:    Sob Moei Health & WASH Project   


     Since 1993, Malteser International has been assisting the Royal Thai Government in providing comprehensive basic health care services to refugee populations in temporary shelters along the Thai - Myanmar border in Mae Hong Son province in Northern Thailand. Activities focus on the two camps of Mae Ra Ma Luang and Mae La Oon, located in Sob Moei District in the southern part of the Province.

     Currently the organisation is providing camp population (around 31,000) with services in the fields of: General health consultations; Reproductive Health; anti-malaria activities, minor surgery; HIV/AIDS; Communicable Disease Control and coordination; Immunization; Referral for secondary and tertiary care to Thai hospitals; Essential Drugs & Laboratory services; Capacity Building; Health education; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; Oral Hygiene education as well as Vector Control.

     To complement camp-based activities Malteser International has been implementing in close co-operation with Sob Moei district and the District Health Authorities since 2009 projects to improve the  coverage of health care services in local Thai villages close to the camps and started in 2011  to transfer the formerly NGO-managed WASH-related activities in the camps in a  more community-based management model to strengthen the population’s ability to develop long term solutions by actively involving also the affected neighboring Thai communities in and around the camps in decision making related to water sources and sanitation measures